Click here for Uncle Mark’s On-Farm Harvest!!!

Read on for Uncle Mark’s Specialty Market 🙂




Healthy Eating Made Easy!! 🙂



Garden Water Info…

PLEASE NOTE…  Robson Valley Septic and Water Hauling is hauling Fraser River water to anyone wanting garden water or wildfire preparedness water handy to their home!!  McBride Home Hardware is offering water tanks of all sizes at the best prices.

Call/text Darrell Roth for water delivery @ (250) 569-7675 Cell

Call Kevin at McBride Home Hardware for water tanks and accessories @ (250) 569-2284

926 – 1st Ave, McBride


OPEN Weekdays 10am to 5pm

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We, at Uncle Mark’s, are busy with our many life obligations so can never plan when our breads, meals and treats are going to be made.  So we are becoming “expert” at fresh freezing our products when they are in perfect condition!! 

You will be able to buy products hot out of the oven if you happen to be in the shop at the time… but 

our guarantee is our frozen and canned products will be great!!


We have a self-serve microwave on site 

so your cinnamon bun or meal can be “Hot-to-Go” in minutes!!


Fresh Frozen Organic Bread – By Adam

We grind and sift Organic grains!!

We have a selection of frozen breads that thaw “good as new”!!

Sourdough White

Sourdough Whole Grain Brown

Sourdough Whole Rye

Fluffy 9 Grain

Fluffy White


Try the Cinnamon Bun Diet!!

Eat a Cinnamon Bun every day for a week!!  

You won’t lose weight but it’s easy to stick to!! 🙂

We fresh freeze incredible Cinnamon Buns!!

Made Fresh every FUN FRIDAY!! 🙂


We have Fresh Frozen Bran Muffins!! 

A great addition to the Cinnamon Bun Diet!! 🙂


Date Cake (Matrimonial) – Really Tasty!! 🙂


And Mr. Roth’s Famous Popcorn

Organic Popcorn, Organic Sunflower Oil & Organic Redmond Salt 

and not organic candies… (Like you really care!!) 🙂


Our Super Duper Grain Mill works AWESOME!! 🙂

It’s a Cool-Flour Stone Mill!!  Cool flour preserves all the nutrients of the grain!!

Let us grind your grain for you!! 🙂


We’re trying to use as many locally grown ingredients as we can!!

All our meat is outside raised…

Some is organic, some is not certified, all have lived better lives than industrial animals.  

We’re always trying to get the best ingredients we can!!

It is our goal to try and provide good convenient eating solutions for everyone!! 

Please call or stop in at our shop in McBride to discuss

ready-made, frozen, canned or other food options to help you eat better!!


Please keep checking in!!  

We hope this site is helpful and appreciated!! 


Thanks for visiting our website!!

Hope to see you at Uncle Mark’s !!

Darrell & Diane, Adam & Emilia and Mark & Ava Roth 🙂

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